Saturday, October 11, 2008


sorry about not having my song up! it's freaking out right now and won't let me upload it yet. i'll keep trying. K, enough about that. today was SOO cold! it's 6:41 right now and normally at home i would look at the thermostat and see a warm 74 degrees, but noooo not here! it's 39 degrees!!!! it says "high 52, low 22" for today. i need to start dressing warmer. it's not going to warm up. "good-bye warm weather! i'll see you later!"

p.s. i now completely disagree with global warming. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

hello. tuesdays are probably my favorite day of the school-week. this is because i have 3 hours of class, and it's all science (my subject of choice). today was really good because i really only had one and a half hours of class. here's my day: i had my biology midterm from 9:35 to 10:20, then i had breakfast at the hot spot which was: one pancake, scrambled eggs, milk, and a biscuit with gravy. even though it was cafeteria food, it was just what i wanted. then i went back to my room, and relaxed for a few minutes, skateboarded to chemistry which was only thirty minutes because our professor said we were ahead of all the other classes and all we were doing today was doing a worksheet. so i sat there, finished it, checked it with the key, and left! oh, and also, my bio recitation class was cancelled because we took an exam, so i'm done for today!! this day is awesome! 

So, now i've been in my room for a while, cleaning and thinking and playing guitar, and i made up a song. it doesn't have any words and is short, but i just love putting chords together. so i recorded it for you to hear. hope you like!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

football too!

oh... also i'm playing intramural football. we had a game today in the skydome!! it was so awesome. we lost 14-9, but later found out the referee's made some bogus calls and most of the real team wasn't there and they had some really good guys illegally substitute. so i guess we're pretty good. we'll see how the rest of the season goes though.